Quarterman Resonator Guitar Cones
Resonator Cones and Parts for all Resonator Guitars, Ukes, Cigar Boxes & Mandolins (Foreign & Domestic)
Blue Note Woodworks Acousta-Elecktra Custom Handmade Guitars & Basses
Quarterman DOBRO-style Resonator Guitar Cones
Resonator Guitar Cones & Parts
For All Resonator Guitars & Mandolins
Spider Bridge Related
(Authorized Res-O-Cone Dealer & Distributor for all Quarterman Resonator Cones)
Many of you have heard and known, we have been challenged by needing to find a replacement old school spinning lathe, and now if that was not enough, we are now challenged again by finding out that our supply of special aluminum resonator cone material is not available at this time, with no eta.
We will try our best to secure our next supply of the special aluminum as soon as possible in order to continue our Quarterman Resonator Cone Manufacturing.
John & I thank you for all your business and concerns.
Everyday Discounts for Dealers, Collectors & OEM Builders
We invite you to participate in our automatic Res-O-Cone volume discount program. Discount levels can now be selected and adjusted for each Res-O-Cone item desired. Simply select the quantity desired & see the item discount immediately prior to placing your order. Purchases made will be combined to provide you with the largest qualifying volume discounts and lower combined shipping rates. Please email us with any questions or if we can be of any assistance.
About Quarterman Res-O-Cones-
The Quarterman Res-O-Cone is the"Heart of the Sound” in a resonator guitar. Just having a plain spun or stamped cone is not any guarantee you will have a great sounding instrument. It has to be the well made hand-spun Dobro-style or National-style resonator cone, such as those made by J.P. Quarterman. Made from hand-spun special aircraft-grade aluminum & crafted to the precise thickness & weight tolerances (as specified by inventor John Dopyera) to produce the optimum tone & volume, that has made the Quarterman name famous. He’s now pressing the brass washer on his Dobro-style cones with Res-O-Cone, JPQ & Co., and stamping the center of his National-style cones with Res-O-Cone, JP Quarter & Co., in order to authenticate them; because it's noted and rumored that some other ambitious resonator builders were selling their cones using his brand name (often imitated, but never duplicated). Replacing your cone with a Genuine Quarterman Res-O-Cone will give any resonator instrument, including yours, improved tone quality and power. Acclaimed by top luthiers & pro players, as best in the world. Made in the USA since 1972.
(Continue Below for Quarterman Res-O-Cones or Click on Dobro Logo for Misc. Parts)